Saturday, May 9, 2009

Contract Killer: A Modernization of The Medea

The air was cold and damp when they rolled into the town where spirits lie dormant. After drifting from one road sign to the next trying to escape their previous scandalous endeavors, Lafayette, Louisiana seemed to be the perfect place to reside. There were enough people in the quaint little parish to blend right in with the Cajun mix.
“I don’t think they will ever find us here, we will be able to share our lives here together forever my love…” said the woman who looked as though she had grown tired of running. She never really meant to get into trouble. Immoral acts just seemed to follow her. Whether it was for love, money or outright revenge, Medea grew accustomed to using her cunning skills to get in and out of the worst predicaments.
“Yes, I think this place would be a great home for our family. The boys will do great in school, and with our skills, this town will be perfect,” said the young man as he looked away, ashamed of his own thoughts. Jason had never really been caught cheating in the game of love, but always seemed to love to play in it. He never really meant to do any harm by Medea. He went on scandalous escapades with other women because he thought it was for the betterment of his family.
Just as they pulled into the shanty parish home, an old lady greeted them at the entrance of the home. No one really knew how old this angelic old woman was or even what her real name was. Somewhere in the 40’s, she was dubbed the name Nurse. Nobody knows why or how the name Nurse had come about; she didn’t know a damn thing about the medical field. People think that she may have saved someone’s life a long time ago, but if anyone ever took the time to get to know her they would know this was hardly believable.
Medea and Jason decided to move their family into this home because frankly, the rent was cheap and in Louisiana, the gypsy lifestyle was accepted. Medea always had a way of finding odd jobs in back of little hole-in-the-wall shops. She was a master of the voodoo craft and charismatically convincing people into doing whatever she so desires. Her last victim was convinced to sign over his life savings and to boil himself alive. When Medea wanted something, there was no stopping her.
“Hello and welcome to the bayou. I think you will love it here. Come on in dear children,” said the little old lady.
Everything seemed to be going perfect for this oh-so-loving family. Although, this couple was never really blessed with an extravagant wedding they expressed a love like no other (or so Medea thought). Jason and Medea never had any desire to have a traditional wedding; there were no beautiful flowers, wedding vows, or Medea’s father giving her away at the end of an aisle. Instead, the couple signed their love for one another in a contract that was forever binding. The only thing that could break the contract was death.
The family entered the house only to be greeted with the aroma of a delicious meal already prepared by Nurse. Although Nurse didn’t know much about the medical field she was a master in the kitchen. The people of the town could hardly wait till she threw her annual dinner party. When she started cooking for the party the scent of the luscious food trailed through the neighborhood. It was a pleasure that all the towns people looked forward too. Medea and Jason just so happened to catch the preamble of this rare occasion. The table was already filled with delicacies that a starving man would kill for a hundred times over. It just so happens to be that the night of all nights to remember was about to take place at precisely the time when the sun says goodnight and the moon says good morning.
“Whose house is that around the corner? It seems as though he must own half of Lafayette, not to mention he could probably house a quarter of the population there,” said Jason so coincidently.
“That house just so happens to belong to a gentleman named Creon. No one really knows his last name or where all of his riches came from. It is said that he is a king of some far away land,“ Nurse said waving her arms through the air as though she had told this little fairytale far too many times.
Jason turned to Medea and with a look of sheer greed they had already contrived an evil plan to embezzle all of his fortunes. They didn’t have to whisper a word to one another to know what they were both thinking. Take the money and run.
As the family proceeded to get dressed Nurse had already begun greeting people at the door. “Welcome everyone please make yourselves at home,” gestured Nurse.
When Jason spiraled down the staircase his eyes met with a young lady’s. She was instantly love struck. Their eyes interlocked like two corresponding puzzle pieces.
Jason broke free from lust and moved on to the table where the finest of gentlemen sat. It did not take a genius to figure out who Creon was; he reeked with riches.
With the most eloquent top-hats and tail-coats on, Jason had already figured out how to conduct a card game for the gentleman. The game really had nothing to do with cards at all. It was a game of wit and status, although Jason was not bred into fame and fortune he was quick witted.
The pipe bobbed in Jason’s mouth as he spoke, “Could you pass me the butter for this marvelous bread? Nurse must have slaved over the stove for hours to make something so superb.”
It wasn’t really hard to tell that King Creon fancied playing cards. From the sight of the card propped in the brim of his hat, anyone could tell that he liked to play. Jason was keen on picking up small clues such as this. Jason stirred the rocks in his glass as he looked sharply at Creon trying to determine the fate of his life’s hand.
“I’ve taken a liking to this town and I see you are a man of great fortune. But let us lay all money aside and put something more valuable on the table. I’ve also taken a liking to your daughter. From what I hear no man has put a ring on her finger yet. I’m sure that you can’t wait for your daughter to get out of your hair and leave you alone. So with this hand I bet that if I win I will leave my family behind, marry your daughter, and you must buy us this vary plantation. But if I lose I promise that you will never see my face again,“ said Jason charmingly.
“Are you mad?! You would just give up your family so easily? How dare you! I despise the sight of your face! How do you expect me to turn my daughter over to a man who would abandon his family so easily,” growled Creon as he looked down and saw his hand was blessed with two jacks and three kings. His mustache caught the remnants of spit as he sprayed the words, “Frankly I can’t stand the sight of your face but if I win my wishes will come true. I will never have to see your face again. The bet is on!”
Creon slammed his hand down onto the table and with his other clubbed fist hit the table with such force that his drink nearly plummeted off the table. “I never want to see your face in this town again! Take your family and go.”
“Ah! Don’t be so quick to speak your words wise old man,” Jason said as he spread a royal flush.
King Creon had been beaten hands down.
Medea then pardoned herself from all the girl gossip that swarmed her table and ventured over to the table where Jason resided.
“What’s all this commotion about? “ asked Medea with a puzzled look.
“Well from what I see I just lost a hand to what was once your husband and is now your ex,” said Creon as he looked up at Medea.
“Well damn you didn’t have to say it bluntly. Sweetie I’m doing this for the betterment of our family. Our kids will now have a place to live and we will be treated as royalty,” smirked Jason.
“This was not part of the plan. How could you dare leave me? This is absolutely ridiculous! I thought you would love me for all time and eternity,” said Medea as a tear of hatred rolled down her cheek.
“Oh dear, don’t be such a woman. You know what they say; out with the old and in with the new. Did you really think that I would stay with your forever? I’ve flimflammed a lot less dim-witted people than you. For instance like this bloke in front of me,” said Jason as he shot a look towards Creon.
“I fear to tell you that it is true my darling. This plan has conned us all. Not only is he leaving you but he is also making you leave this town forever. He has enlightened me with some of your past endeavors and if you don’t leave I will have you arrested immediately,” said Creon with a look of sheer disgust.
“How could you! First you leave me for another woman and now you want me to leave the town too? I can’t stand the sight of you. All I ask is that you give me one day to get all my affairs in order and I will leave this land willingly forever,” wept Medea as she walked away in loathing.
Grabbing the keys to her only possession she knew wouldn’t betray her, she headed towards the door. Nurse had caught the troublesome look of Medea from far away and intercepted her path towards the door.
“Dear what troubles you?” asked Nurse sympathetically.
“Jason is breaking the contract. I don’t have time for your sympathetic bullshit just tell me where the local witchdoctor is,” said Medea, as she proceeded towards the door.
“Witchdoctors are a dime a dozen around here. Go to any local convenient store and ask to speak with the Doc and you’ll get what you are looking for,” said Nurse.
Medea then pulled into a convenient store which was run by a Ragin’ Cajun. She knew that she had come to the right place by the sight of him.
“Can you tell me where the local Doc is?” asked Medea, still irate.
“Des seem to be sumpin bothrin ya. Well child yousa have comed to da right place. Mad Man Doc will cure any problem yousa gots. Right dis way,” said the Ragin’ Cajun.
“Welcome child what can I get for you today? Its looks as though something is bothering you,” said Mad Man Doc.
“Don’t try to pull that ‘I’m a witch doctor and I can cure all crap’ with me, I’ve been in the business for far too long. I’ve conned more people with your line of work then the number of years you have been alive,” said Medea with a stern look on her face.
“Then what brings you here?” asked Mad Man Doc.
“I want to rid the world of an evil bitch’s beauty. She has stolen my husband and kids from me,” scowled Medea.
“Well it seems that this woman cares a great deal about how she is perceived. I have a dress sewn by the gods above. No one can deny its beauty. She will have no choice but to wear it. The catch is, as soon as it’s worn a poison is released from the threads that will kill her,” said Mad Man Doc with a look of gratification.
“That is exactly what I am looking for. Do you happen to have a knife so vile that it would bring silence to anyone it touches?” asked Medea.
“What kind of a witchdoctor would I be if didn’t carry such an item?” said Mad Man Doc as he handed her a beautiful dress with a knife laid in it.
Medea paid for the items and headed well along her way. By the time she got back to her house the party was over. The only ones to remain in her house were the soon to be victims. Medea held a collective posture as she entered the home. Creon and his daughter Glauce were exiting the house. As soon as they crossed paths Medea handed the dress to Glauce as they were walking out the door.
“Oh! This dress is so beautiful! Why would you give me such a gift?“ gasped Glauce.
“I wouldn’t want the woman who is soon to be taking my husband to be dressed like a whore all the time now would I? I think by you wearing this, it will be the only way for you t look even presentable,” hissed Medea.
Glauce smirked and took the dress out of spite as she walked gallantly to her car. The night was calm and even the sun dreaded the day to arrive. Not even Father Time could stop the clock from ticking its way to the tragic events that were about to occur.
The next morning the children woke to see their mother sitting on the couch with the look of hatred in her eyes. Knife in hand she walked towards the children without hesitation. She knew that there was no turning back now. She eloquently tossed the knife back and forth from hand to hand as she walked closer to the children. With a swift slit, easier than expected, the knife glided through the air and made contact with the first child’s throat. His blood ran freely.
Out of fear, the next child screamed in terror. The blood didn’t even have the chance to drip before the next child throat was slit. She enjoyed the moment of silence.
As Medea proceeded to pick up the now meaningless dead bodies, Jason burst through the front door to witness his dead children.
“What the fuck?! You are a crazy bitch! How could you! Our children are now dead because of you! How could you do something so vile?” screamed Jason as he ran to tackle her.
With her back towards Jason, he was unaware of the gift he was about to receive. Jason dove right into the blade that still glistened with his children’s blood.
Pulling the knife from his stomach Medea said, “Did you not read the last line of our marriage contract? I believe it read: Till death do us part. So goodnight my love.”
“You k-k-killed our children…” wept Jason as he knelt.
Jason dropped to his knees and like a mere mortal he bled out. Medea then exited the house with her two dead children in her arms. She placed them in the back of her beast of a machine that was decoratively painted with fiery serpents.
The only way out of the town was by passing the Creon Estates. Medea then made her to the houses window where she witnessed Creon trying to save his only daughter. Glauce’s flesh had begun to melt off of her own bones. When Creon held her in his arms, their flesh became one. As the father pleaded for mercy to be brought upon his daughter, he begun to melt into her dead body. Stricken by satisfaction that everyone was dead, Medea then got back into her car and let the fiery serpents lead her to the next town she would reign.

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