Monday, March 30, 2009

About Me:

Where do I come from?

I guess anyone could say they come from the lineage before them. If we look back far enough one could surely find out that I am a pure bred Mutt, or in better terms Caucasian. Wouldn’t it be interesting if I told you I was born in a barn, with the northern star shining bright above, from Immaculate Conception? Well, I’m sorry to bare bad news; I was born in a normal hospital, by a normal doctor, because my mother did decide to have sex. I grew up in a loving family of six. I lived in the cold state of North Carolina until I reached the ripe ol’ age of five when my parents moved us to the sunshine state. I love Florida, hate oranges, and never plan on moving.

What do I do in my leisure time?

As you can probably tell I like to connect pen to paper (or in my case pound away one letter at a time on the keyboard). Besides writing, when I’m not blasting away zombies in video-games, I like to throw around cards and slam back drinks. Some may say I have a gambling problem, I beg to differ; I say it’s only a problem when I’m losing. I drink because, well, in that mix of Mutt blood I am part Irish. Hopefully in these leisurely events I will eventually make something of myself.

How long have I enlightened this world with my presence?

I am currently 24 years-old, but that old grandfather clock keeps chiming. I wonder what would happen if that clock ticked backwards? That would be a curious case wouldn’t it? Ah, but that is another tale.

What is the degree of my education?

Honestly, I cannot tell you how many credit hour courses I have taken, how many years I have been school, or what my diploma will read when I graduate. I could care less. Throw all letter grades aside, isn’t it the experience and knowledge that really count? I am currently taking all Literature courses because through time I have discovered that everything is literature. Some may argue and say that Math is the center of the universe and numbers calculate everything. In the theory this is true, everything can pretty much be broken down into some sort of a number. But, after everything is calculated into perfect order, all we have left is our story. I am hoping that someday someone will come along and take the time to listen to mine.

Can I reproduce?

Now how do I answer this question? Do I stay clean or go raunchy with the answer? How about a little of both! Let’s start out by me simply saying YES I can have sex lol. I would love to see the look on your face right now; it’s always fun to see. Now I am still a virgin, yeah I know it’s sad, what the hell am I waiting for? I guess you could say I am waiting for that miracle to come along, weird huh? Now don’t get me wrong I have had my fair share of opportunity, but…. So yes I can! All of my plumbing works well!